The whole family made the trip to Little Rock to see Joel, Alice, Silas, and Micah this past week. They are our great friends from medical school whom we love very much! It was a fantastic trip! Alice made the best meals, including homemade bread that I am still craving. She also made Silas give up his crib so that Andrew could sleep in it. See, Andrew decided to start climbing out of his pack and play this trip. Silas, we appreciate your being willing to sleep elsewhere while we were at your house. Same for you, Micah! We had such a great time eating, talking, laughing, getting sweaty at the zoo, keeping Andrew and Silas from falling down stairs, keeping Corinne and Micah asleep, drinking Honey Amber beer and coffee (separately!). Thanks, Fanks, for letting us invade and take over your house! Its a great place and we felt very loved, welcomed, and comfortable while we were there.
The Fanks said...
that's a fine question. let's ask a chiropractor. -j
Friday, 20 July, 2007
The Fanks said...
to be precisish, maybe. -j
Friday, 20 July, 2007
Lindy said...
Corinne seems to be looking more like Erin in these pictures....
Monday, 23 July, 2007