
So, its summertime again. Summer, just like any other season, brings interesting and all too familiar smells with it. You're probably thinking about fresh cut grass, a chlorinated pool (I used to be swimmer), etc. However, the first smells of the summer to assault my nose have not been pleasant. Let me explain:

First, when Andrew gets hot and a little sweaty from playing inside the house, he kinda smells like graham crackers. I know, a little weird.

Second, when our air conditioner comes on, the air coming through the vents has a certain scent to it. Not an unpleasant scent, just particular scent.

The reason for these scents being unpleasant is that last summer I was extremely ill due to being pregnant with Corinne. We had the air conditioner on full blast and Andrew was still sweating in the house due to the sweltering heat outside. These smells were a constant in our house. And they made me feel even more nauseated (as if that possible). Now, this summer, whenever they come wafting into my nostrils, it just takes me right back to last summer.

Much like hearing the theme song to Barney or Between The Lions. Two shows that we watched everyday last summer while I was laying on the couch trying not to throw up and still keep Andrew entertained.

Oh, the power of the sense of smell...


I can never eat peppermint candy again. After much time and effort, I can eat poptarts and drink coffee together. For some reason, dealing with the smells became easier when I rearranged the furniture from the way it was when I was pregnant.

Monday, 04 June, 2007  

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